
Saturday, 15 December 2007

Quinoa, Perenial tomatoes and Delicious dishes

Hi All!

Its almost winter season and we still mantain our tomatoes blooming, although very slowly and spending the nights indoors and days outdoors. Today we bring you photos of some interesting herbs we use for medicine purposes, a faboulous ornamental eggplant, and even quinoa growing!

Lately there is plenty of lettuce on our balcony, nearly 10 containers of them, tasty nhami! spinach, peas, turnips, two beautiful kohl rabi and some starting celery and florence fennel. Everything with absolutely no chemicals. Solely a plastic covering the icy frost these last days, lol!

We have currently ongoing a biodynamic experiment to once for all evaluate the effect of moon cycle on seed sprouting. Very clearly, seeds sprout much better during full moon than moon and some of them (mostly leaf vegetables) during watery moon signs and radish during the passage of moon on earth signs! It's true, I watch it!

Secondly, we are growing carrots in 80% sand soil, mixed with horsetail (which increases silica contents in soil) to see whether the plants will grow longer roots, as they do in their native very sandy soils.

Garden perspective


Equinacea, a good medicine herb for colds

Delicious meal with pumpkin, fennel, garlic, leeks, peppers and aromatic herbs such as cerefolium

Eggplant, still growing as we enter winter. 

Hey, did you know eggplants and tomatoes are not annuals, but actually perennials that thrive and grow into next year if protected from the cold weather!

1 comment:

  1. Bom...nem de propósito: no dia em que coloquei os tomateiros para dentro, durante a noite, caiu uma carga de água tocada a vento frio que podia ter estragado todos os frutinhos existentes.

    Entretanto tenho-os mantido no interior da casa pois instalaram-se uns dias cinzentos e gelados.

    Este post foi de um timming impressionante!!

    Quanto às cenouras, tenho de experimentar pôr em prática todos esses conselhos. E testar a eficácia das algas. Moro perto da praia :-)

    Gosto demais desta nova prespectiva de agricultura. Acho importante tratar a terra como um organismo vivo que necessita de alimento para ajudar ao crescimento das plantinhas. E a utilização de quimicos e pesticidas só danificam ou matam o solo.

    Há quem tenha Pets, eu tenho uma horta urbana. Todos os dias a visito, "falo" com ela, acaricio as folhas e testo a humidade do solo com os dedos. E em mim ficam os cheiros do tomateiro, da erva principe, do alecrim, da hortelã, da terra molhada... É um delicia. Recomendo vivamente :-D
